It has been nearly ten years since the video you are about to watch was released.

When it was released, it caused a great deal of controversy and commotion not only when the general public watched the video, but also when people within the ‘mentalism community’ saw it.

After watching the video people soon jumped to the notions of actors, stooges, trip wires and other possible methodologies.

What you are about to watch is going to seem impossible.

We guarantee that you have not seen anything like this before, and likely will never see something such as this again.

Due to your mind having no reference point to provide a rational explanation for what you are about to see you will attempt to explain how this could have been achieved.

To date there has not been a correct guess made on the working of ‘Homage to Crowley’.

The closest that people have come to explaining this strange human feat come from the works of Aleister Crowley.

While Brook doesn’t believe in the supernatural or the mystical powers of the occult, it has to be said that Aleister Crowley seemed to be ahead of his time regarding the use of the manipulative and controlling natures of psychology.

Brook’s fascination with Crowley and the way that he seemed to make lucid sound-minded people become followers who would enact any command fascinated him.

If anything the ‘Homage to Crowley’ video demonstrates that even in this day and age where we understand the human mind better than we ever have, that the early adopters of psychology may have a thing or two to teach us.

Does the ‘Homage to Crowley’ Video Really Contain NO Actors?

We can 100% confirm that no actors were used in the filming of the piece and that Brook had never see or interacted with the person in the video until the moment that has been filmed and released on video.

If you would like to know more about Mentalism and even learn a thing or two, why not start with this completely free eBook that will teach you how to freak out your friends:
