Manchester Magician - Brook

Manchester Magician – Brook

You really need a Manchester magician at your event, right? Then we have the perfect Manchester magician for you.

However, Manchester magician may not be exactly the correct term to use. Manchester magician of the mind gets us closer, but still needs a bit of clarification.

If you have never come across a magician of the mind, or a mentalist (not the crazy kind) before, then you really are in for a treat.

Mentalism is a cousin of magic. It works in the same way during an event and can be used as mix and mingle, walk around, table to table or even a stage show.

The major different between mentalism and traditional magic is the level of sleight of hand involved. Where a traditional magician will impress you with card tricks, the mentalist will impress you by tell you what you are thinking of.

It’s nothing psychic or spooky but relies on a mixture of psychology and related magical arts in order to be able to appear to read minds, predict what people are going to do and even control the actions of those participating; but don’t worry at no point is hypnosis used!

The added benefit of hiring a mentalist is that people tend to have seen a handful of magicians performing before, however, not many people have ever experienced a mentalist and that really causes a buzz of excitement.

While you may have begun your online search for a Manchester magician we think you should consider the idea of booking a Manchester mentalist for your event.

Manchester Magician vs. Manchester Mentalist on Price

The big question people always have about hiring a Manchester mentalist over a Manchester magician is, “How much more money is a Manchester Mentalist compared to hiring a Manchester magician?”

The great news is that there isn’t any difference as both types of act are evenly priced.

In fact, Brook is one of the most affordable professional mentalists on the market, so be sure to get in touch today and ask all of the question that this article has raised.