We carry on the fight against poor memory and especially that of forgetting what people are called, even when you’ve only just been told.

In the last episode of this mini-series we talked about mentally linking a person you have just met to someone you already know with that name, even fi that person happens to be someone you don’t know personally, such as a celebrity.

The secret in episode number three is…

Episode number three’s secret is going to involve you using your imagination and visualisation skills.

A lot of people don’t; feel that they can imagine things very well.

TV and Movies have spoiled how we think our imagination should be. We often see ‘flashbacks’ and they seem as real as normal life. However, imagination tends not to be that vivid, normally an idea or fleeting image.

With that out of the way, you can start to use your imagination to help you remember names.

We have just met someone called Sylvester, you’ve thought of Sylvester Stallone and now you want to really embed that memory in.

I want you to imagine something funny or unusual you can create out of that name. Perhaps imagine the person wearing a silk vest as it sounds similar to Sylvester?

What about imagining Sylvester the cartoon cat dancing on the person’s shoulder?

The stranger and more bizarre the imagery you create the less likely it is to have ever entered your mind before and will, therefore, really stand out.

Some extra fun psychology

When people think of psychology they often think of people analysing and watching and even self-improvement.

There is lighter and more entertaining side to psychology, and no, it’s not hypnosis.

Within the next five minutes you can learn a technique that will make it seem as though you can steal another person’s thoughts.

Trust me you don’t want to miss this.

The secret is fully written up in the free eBook below, just remember to use responsibly!
