Egg Frying Tip

Egg Frying Tip

This is a wonderful egg frying tip. I have a set of non-tick coated rings that I normally crack my eggs into when I want to fry them. The reason is that you get a well formed fried egg that doesn’t end up the spreading out to the size of the pan.

Sadly, these rings, even though they claim to be non stick, always manage to…well…stick. Not only to the pan (also non-stick) but to the egg. Which ends up with me trying to separate a fried egg from a very, very hot egg frying ring. By the time I have run my burned fingers under the tap, my eggs have gone stone cold.

All of this nonsense is sorted out with this great egg frying tip, though. It not only means that you don’t have to mess around un-sticking things. There is also less washing up to do. Plus, you get more taste and a healthy extra.


Egg Frying Tip

Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to make your eggs that extra bit special:

  1. Grab a couple of peppers. If you want a variety of colours on your plate, then use red, yellow, orange and green peppers.
  2. Remove the seeds from the peppers and chop the peppers to create ‘rings’ of pepper about 1cm in thickness.
  3. Place the peppers into the warm frying pan (make sure you have a non-stick pan, or it has been oiled).
  4. Crack the eggs directly into the pepper ‘rings’.
  5. Add seasoning to the top of the eggs.
  6. Allow the eggs to cook as they normally would when you fry them.
  7. Serve.


This egg frying tip is sure to impress any guests that you have stay with you. Instead of placing regular fried eggs on the table at breakfast, follow this tip, and it will make your eggs really stand out and leave a lasting impression. Bon appetite.