Cat Chases a Laser Pointer

Cat Chases a Laser Pointer Up The Wall

We’ve all seen it when a cat chases a laser pointer. But have you ever seen it when a cat chases a laser pointer up the wall?

I play with my cats all of the time using a laser pointer. I normally wiggle it around on the floor for a while, and then once they are worked up, I move it onto the walls.

All that happens then is a very amusing high jump up the wall. Only to fall back down to the ground and stare at the red dot. Normally, until I either bring it back to the floor, or until they get bored.

However, in this clip, the cat chases a laser point all the way up the wall. I assume that the wallpaper must be fairly thick in order for the cat’s claws to be able to grip on in this way. I bet the wallpaper is pretty shredded, as this would appear to be a regular trick judging by the fact that it is being filmed.

The more I watch the clip, the more I enjoy the way the cat shimmies up the wall. I wonder if the cat was able to get free? If it is anything like my cats, it would have just stayed there, unable to get down unless I helped it.


Big Cat Chases a Laser Pointer

Here’s another clip where a cat chases a laser pointer…but not just any cats, this time it’s big cats. So the big question is…do tigers, leopards and lions chase laser pointers like domestic cats do? Just don’t go taking laser pointers into the zoo with you after watching this clip.