Wolverhampton Entertainer - Paul Brook Mind Reader

Wolverhampton Entertainer – Paul Brook Mind Reader

What is it that Wolverhampton entertainer, Paul Brook, actually does? Granted it’s not what most Wolverhampton entertainers are doing, as live bands are high on the agenda, but it always creates an amazing response.

Paul is a mind reader. Not quite what you expect from a Wolverhampton entertainer, but it’s true. It’s not the spooky psychic stuff that Paul does, instead he uses psychology, body language and other things to work out what you are thinking about.

To get a better idea of exactly what a mind reader will do while entertaining at your event, take a look at this small article: ‘What to Expect from a Psychological Mind Reader’ – https://paulbrook.co.uk/psychological-mind-reader/

Paul currently lives in the area of Willenhall, just up the road from Wolverhampton. This makes him a very cost effective option for your event, as you won’t have to bear the brunt of expensive travel costs. It also greatly reduces the chances of your entertainer being stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of nowhere.

Now that you know a bit more about Paul and what mind reading involves, you could be wondering what events are best suited to this form of entertainment? Quite frankly, nearly all events can benefit from a mind reader. The events that Paul is asked to perform at more frequently are corporate events, private parties and weddings. If you are organising something a little different from the norm, don’t be shy about getting in touch with Paul. He is happy to work with you to make your event a thorough success.

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Wolverhampton Entertainer Caught On Film

Unlike other performers out there, this Wolverhampton entertainer would rather you see what kind of quality you are getting. With this in mind Paul Brook Mind Reader recorded a video of him ‘Playing With Minds’ in Birmingham city centre, that you can watch below: