London Entertainer Mind Reader Paul Brook

London Entertainer Paul Brook @ Centre Point

Looking for a London entertainer that is current, sophisticated and exciting? Everyone is, yet it seems that so many events are happy to stick with the ‘same old, same old’. When it comes to a cutting edge London entertainer, mind reader Paul Brook, ranks highly on the bill.

While it’s easy to book the more traditional acts such as a magician, comic or caricaturist, the excitement with these acts have been lost due to over exposure. We all have a story where we have seen one of these types of acts, wouldn’t it be great if at your event there was something new to talk about?

Psychological mind reading has become a very popular form of entertainment. Even better still, there are only a small group of full time mind readers in the country, making it a unique experience for most.

London entertainer Derren Brown is known for his mind reading on T.V. but few people have ever experienced mind reading on a one-to-one basis.

Hiring a psychological mind reader for your event allows people to have that experience first hand. for most people, who have yet to see a mind reader in any instance, the experience is genuinely unforgettable.

So what do you get when you book Paul Brook, or another London entertainer? There’s a short and a long answer to that question, but to keep things simple and easy take a look at this summary of what to expect, here –

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London Entertainer – Why Hire Paul?

Paul is one of the best psychological mind readers, not just in the United Kingdom, but in the world. He has been performing now for nearly ten years and has written over sixteen books within his field. But these are just words, it’s far better to sit back and enjoy watching what Paul can actually do. In the video below, you will see Paul interacting with members of the public and playing with their minds: