Promotional Event Entertainment - Paul Brook

Promotional Event Entertainment – Paul Brook

A great way to reach people with a new concept is with some promotional event entertainment. Promotional event entertainment is a way to sell and at the same time keep the audience ‘turned on’.

Normally when people feel like they are being sold to they can switch off, making closing a sale very difficult. Some very successful businesses have realised the benefits of using promotional event entertainment specifically designed to convey the message of your product/service, and even brand.

While people are watching and taking part in promotional event entertainment their ‘barriers’ are down, or will come down. This allows any bespoke messages incorporated into the show or act to have a genuine impact on them.

Paul Brook entertains using an astonishing skill, that of mind reading. Not the paranormal type but a clever use of psychology and other thing in order to give the illusion of mind reading. If you want to see what Paul is able to do with these skills, there is a short video lower down on this page.

In bringing your message, product or service together with the amazing and shocking moments of Paul’s performances your promotional message, product or service is going to stick in the mind of the audience members.

Not only that, but when they retell their experience of Paul’s mind reading, your message will be included in their story. It’s as if they are a small advert for you without even realising it.

This type of service is invaluable for a promotional event, but you will be shocked at how affordable it will be to bring Paul to your launch.

Free Doing It Faster eBook

Promotional Event Entertainment – Video Evidence

When surfing the internet looking for the right person to promote your product or service, you need to know that the promoter will be right for your company. The only other way than meeting the entertainer in person, is to watch a video of them in action, and that is what you can do right now: