Cabaret Entertainment - Paul Brook

Cabaret Entertainment – Paul Brook

There just isn’t the variety in cabaret entertainment like there used to be. However, a form of cabaret entertainment that is bringing something new into the mix is that of psychological mind reading.

Not the fortune telling, medium stuff, but the type of mind reading that relies on body language and things like that, in order to give the appearance of genuine mind reading. You can have a look at his skills in the video down below.

If you are planning some cabaret entertainment then you really need to consider the possibility of using Paul, or another mind reader, in order to spice things up.

Cabaret entertainment can be more than just the magicians doing the same tricks we have all seen before, the comedians doing the hit-or-miss jokes, the overly saturated burlesque market, and other regular cabaret acts.

Sadly, regular, can be put another way…monotonous…and dare we say it…boring! But it really doesn’t have to be that way. You can have the same acts you normally have, but have an exciting head-line act such as a mind reader.

Keeping the new and rarely seen field of psychological mind reading until the end of your billing will ensure that people stick around and builds a level of excitement rarely seen these days.

But if you are placing an act at the top billing you need to make sure they are able to handle it. Not an amateur that is going to build the audience up just to let them down. Paul Brook, who has been in this field for nearly 10 years, will allow you to build up the audience expectation…and then…even surpass that will his show.

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Cabaret Entertainment – The Video

If you are still unsure, then why not have a look at the following video of Paul Brook performing. If you think that it’s entertaining, then take that next step and grab a quote for the date that you are thinking of, before someone else does: