Close Up Mind Reader - Paul Brook

Close Up Mind Reader – Paul Brook

A close up mind reader can be a great way to keep your guests happy and entertained. It can be the difference between a good event and a great event.

But you might want to know more about what a close up mind reader will be able to do with your guests. Using a combination of psychology, body analysis, shifts in body stasis and other things the psychological mind reader will be able to:


  • Have a guest think of any word and be able to work out the letter that are likely in that word, and then rearrange them to get the actual word the person is thinking of.


  • Allow a guest to think of any photograph from their past, or create an imaginary one, and following the eye movements the psychological mind reader will be able to get most, if not all of the drawing.


  • Grab a book and pass it to a guest who can choose a phrase from anywhere in the book. The psychological mind reader will then be able to work out roughly what the phrase is by asking the guest to visualise the scene.


  • Draw simple images that nobody would ever forget, yet after some suggestive words the guest will not be able to remember what the shape was that was shown to her. She may even believe it to be a completely different shape entirely.


These are simply a few of the amazing things that Paul Brook Mind Reader will be able to do when he entertains at your event.

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Close Up Mind Reader – Watch Him

It’s always great to hear just what a close up mind reader can do. But seeing a close up mind reader in action is a completely different experience. One that we think  you should be able to have without leaving the comfort of the seat that you are in right now. Simply sit back and click play on the video below: