Have you been struggling to find some quality close up mind reading. It’s no wonder, seeing as close up mind reading is something that only a handful of mind readers offer.
Most of the psychological mind readers prefer to perform as part of a stage show and shy away from the table-to-table or mix and mingle styles of mind reading. Sadly, the mind readers who decide not to offer close up entertainment are less versatile when it comes to providing entertainment solutions.
Close up styles of entertainment allow you to have entertainment virtually anywhere that you like. You are not tied down to a specific area of a venue or stage. If you have guests who are seated or standing then they can be entertained using close up mind reading, it’s a simple as that.
It could be while people are waiting to enter the main banqueting suite. Perhaps in a lobby where there is a drinks reception. Maybe even in your place of work?
Your guests will have thoughts, image, phrases and more pulled from their minds using psychology, body language and other skills. Guests will be influenced to make decisions that are not their own. Some will even be made to forget words or symbols completely. But that’s only a very small selection of what is available during your event.
Paul Brook mind reader has been performing for nearly a decade and is a full-time entertainer. While his mind reading covers all types of venues and stages, he is also one of the few professional mind readers who offer close up mind reading, and is well known in that particular field. Better still he is more affordable than you may initially think.
Close Up Mind Reading
Sit down and treat yourself to some close up mind reading, right now. No Paul isn’t going to walk through the door and start performing for you. He has already filmed some mind reading that you can watch and enjoy below: