Psychological Mind Reader - Paul Brook

Psychological Mind Reader – Paul Brook

What is a psychological mind reader? Would you know a psychological mind reader if one was standing right in front of you? If not, don’t worry, this article will walk you through the basics of psychological mind reading.

First of all, despite what might come to your mind when you think of a mind reader, this has nothing to do with the paranormal.

Psychological mind reading has its feet firmly planted in the realm of the real. It relies on physical and psychological methods combined to create the impression of mind reading.

For example, one mind reader may silently analyse your appearance, merge that information with his memorised statistics bank and then work out what you are likely to draw when asked to do so. However, because this is done silently and you are unaware that he has made this secret analysis, when he draws what you are likely to draw, and it matches it will seem as though he has read your mind.

Mind reading as a form of entertainment can take place in many guises. Nearly all mind readers on the market will offer a stage show. However, it is less common to find mind readers who will perform around tables or close up mind reading with guests.

Despite being a dominating figure in the world of mind reading for nearly a decade, Paul Brook doesn’t think he is ‘too big’ to interact with customers in the more intimate close up manner. In fact, Paul has carefully honed his abilities to be available for arena shows, stage shows, parlour shows, around tables, mix and mingle and close up. This brings a level of versatility that is simply not found in some other performer and gives a great deal of options to someone booking an event.

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Psychological Mind Reader – See It Happening

Do you want to see a real psychological mind reader in action? Well you are in for a treat as psychological mind reader, Paul Brook, is reading minds with members of the public in this video: