Student Ball Ideas in 2013 - Paul Brook

Student Ball Ideas in 2013 – Paul Brook

What student ball ideas in 2013 are going to get everyone excited? There are so many student ball ideas in 2013, and they range in price, quality, style and enjoyment. Just where do you start?

We would like you to consider a key part of any excellent student ball, Paul Brook Mind Reader. He provides some amazing entertainment packages that year-on-year are a smash hit with his audiences.

The type of mind reading that Paul offers is not the fortune telling kind. It is, instead, a very clever mix of psychology, body language and other things in order to create the impression of mind reading.

Once you have seen the video below you will get a great idea of what it is Paul has to offer. When you watch the video, always remember that what is being achieved is all possible using scientific means and nothing is supernatural.

At your student ball, Paul will be able to offer entertainment either as a min stage show, moving around tables entertaining, or mingling with the students. All three options are very audience interactive and will provide an experience that will simply not be forgotten.

Paul provides a number of very attractive saver packages (located in the ‘services’ section) that can get you even more entertainment for less money. Paul is also so determined not to be beaten on price, that if you can find a comparable entertainer for less money, he will match that quote and then give an extra 10% off – click here for details.

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Student Ball Ideas in 2013 – quick look at Paul

It can feel like a mammoth task when considering the myriad student ball ideas in 2013. As we have already suggested, we think Paul Brook is one of the coolest student ball ideas in 2013 as far as entertainment is concerned. However, we want you to have the same level of confidence in Paul that we have. That’s why we want you to take a super quick look at Paul in action: