Close Up Magician in Birmingham Alternative - Paul Brook

Close Up Magician in Birmingham Alternative – Paul Brook

We know you are searching for a close up magician in Birmingham. But have you even considered a close up magician in Birmingham alternative?

Why would you? You want a magician, right?

Well, ask yourself this, “Do you want a magician specifically? Or would you simply like your guests to be thoroughly entertained, up close and personal?”

Lots of people have already seen a handful of magicians in their life. While magicians are great, after you have seen a few it can be difficult to get excited about seeing magician number six. That also assumes that the magicians will be doing completely different material, not just another “pick a card”.

Many corporations as well as private bookers have, over the past years, become accustomed to hiring psychological mind readers as an alternative to a magician. Psychological mind readers are able to entertain at the exact same platforms as a magician, yet they are fresh and modern.

Psychological mind readers will have guests think of words or images and then get inside their head and tell them what they are thinking of. This is extremely impressive and something that many people have yet to experience. If you would like to see some for yourself, there is a short video clip at the bottom of this page.

The big question is, “But how much more will a psychological mind reader cost compared to a magician?”

Here’s the great news, psychological mind readers and magicians are comparable in price. Want some better news? Paul Brook Mind Reader is often more affordable than most despite his many years of experience in this field. Grab a quick quote today and save your date in Paul’s diary.

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Close Up Magician in Birmingham Alternative Video Clip

We think that once you have seen Paul actually mind reading that you will forget about hiring a close up magician in Birmingham. As far as a close up magician in Birmingham alternative is concerned Paul is extremely hard to beat. Watch him now, as he reads the minds of strangers on the streets of Birmingham City Centre: