Student Ball Entertainers - Paul Brook

Student Ball Entertainers – Paul Brook

Are you looking for student ball entertainers that are going to make the event unforgettable? Trying to whittle it down to a small number of quality student ball entertainers? You really cannot afford to miss this article.

As far as student ball entertainers go, Paul Brook isn’t your average run-of-the-mill performer.

Paul’s abilities of psychology, his understanding of the human mind and a number of other things have allowed him to read minds…well…look as if he can anyway.

The best part is that Paul needs minds in order to be able to do this ‘mind reading’ and that’s where the ball guests come into play. Each and every person at the ball will experience this very interactive form of fun and will be left with a memory of something extraordinary.

Now all student balls are different, some are very formal and sombre occasions and others are real ‘let your hair down’ events.

Which one should you book Paul Brook for?

Any and all of them!

Due to his extensive experience Paul can provide a mix and mingle service for the more fancy-free student balls, or a collective stage show for the more formal events.

The great thing about Paul’s psychological mind reading is that it not only creates a real ‘buzz’ on the night, but also in the build up the ball.

Now here is the biggest question, “Price?”

Paul’s pricing structures are very generous and he will even inform you of the great saver packages and deals that he is currently running.

The best thing to do is get in touch with us today and get a fast and free quote, tailored perfectly for your event.

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Student Ball Entertainers – Paul’s Video

When it comes down to student ball entertainers that will really boost the ball, Paul Brook is certainly up there. To help you keep Paul clear in your mind when considering all other student ball entertainers, we have a little video of him performing his astonishing mind reading for you to watch: