Product Launch Entertainment Ideas - Paul Brook

Product Launch Entertainment Ideas – Paul Brook

Product launch entertainment ideas can make a genuine difference to how your product or service is received. Most of the product launch entertainment ideas out there will simply keep guests from being bored.

But, there is another way!

What if product launch entertainment ideas could entertain and at the same time tie in the product/service information, increase brand awareness and even generate some quality leads for you?

Sounds pretty good, huh?

Paul Brook mind reader can do all of that…that’s right, he’s a mind reader…but he doesn’t actually read minds. Instead he uses a clever combination of skills that make it look as though he can read minds.

The title ‘Mind Reader’ is very attention grabbing, and it can either bring more people to your launch event, or really create a buzz for those already attending.

Wait…what will Paul be doing for entertainment?

We could tell you, but it’s far easier to show you, so take a look at the video at the bottom of this page.

But as we mentioned earlier, the entertainment, while amazing, is simply the implementation method.

Paul will learn about the product/service being launched and will incorporate the core messages of that product/service into his entertainment.

Then if you are looking for leads to pass on to sales teams during the product launch, Paul is also able to find those quality leads to pass on; reducing potential time and energy drainage due to uninterested parties.

What does Paul cost?

You will need to get in touch for a bespoke quote for your event, but we think you will be pleasantly surprised!

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Product Launch Entertainment Ideas – Look at This

The product launch entertainment ideas that are available to you are legion. It can be extremely easy to be bogged down with these product launch entertainment ideas, but we can hopefully help you to break that cycle. Take a quick break and watch Paul using his psychological mind tricks with some unsuspecting people: