Charity Event Entertainment - Paul Brook

Charity Event Entertainment – Paul Brook

Charity event entertainment doesn’t have to come from struggling amateurs. What if we told you that charity event entertainment can come from a full-time professional and be extremely affordable at the same time?

We know, charities are limited with their funding, but mixing payment in kind, promotions and other things together will bring the price down substantially.

Most charities put events on to raise money, yet by hiring amateur performers, the event never gets the traction it needs. People simply don’t want to give their money and time over to something they may not enjoy…even when it’s for charity.

Where the bigger charities are breaking this cycle, they are using performers that are unusual or that have a following. Therefore, bringing in more people and breaking the cycle of poorly attended events.

Paul Brook is an expert entertainer who uses psychology, body language and other skills to make it look as though he can read minds…he is a mind reader…but not in the spooky/creepy way.

Not only does he have a strong following, but the headline of ‘Mind Reader’ really gets people’s attention.

The increase of people attending your charity event is more than enough to offset the cost of hiring quality entertainment. It’s all about taking that first leap away from the amateur/free performers and making your charity event something to get excited about.

Paul offers a number of options for charities to reduce his regular fee, so get in touch today and find out more.

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Charity Event Entertainment – See What You Get

Too often when you get charity event entertainment it tends to be amateurs who are looking for a way to practice. However, amateur charity event entertainment can make the event look cheap, not draw in numbers and dare we say it…bore people. When you get Paul Brook for your charity event entertainment, you can expect the quality of entertainment that you find in this video: