4 Tips for a Confident Speech

4 Tips for a Confident Speech

It doesn’t matter if you are planning a corporate, wedding or any other public speech, for most people one thing is certain…fear!

Public speaking of any kind is often one of the most fears things for any of us to do.

When we get asked to give a presentation, talk or address a crowd, we can feel ourselves start to sweat. From the moment we are told, or realise, we need to give a speech some of us can’t think of much else and it becomes an all-consuming problem.

We have four great tips to share with you that will help you to be more confident with your speech and not one of them involves picturing people in their underwear!

#1 Tips for a Confident Speech: Gain Confidence

Confidence is something we are born with, right?


We learn to be confident in things. The best way to become confident with the speech you are going to give is to research the field you’re giving the speech on.

Research as intricately as you can in the time you have and you will be building a great understanding of the field of enquiry.

That understanding is the key to building your confidence in your speech.

#2 Tips for a Confident Speech: Use Notes

People who don’t give many public speeches see notes, or cue cards as a sign or weakness. However, notes are a sign of strength.

Think about it, if you are able to have note, it means you have planned a speech/talk and that you must know what you are talking about.

Notes are there for when you lose track of where you are, you might get so impassioned that you go off on a tangent. The notes help to bring you back on track.

People never mind if you use notes, they will mind if you forget information or it is delivered in a nonsensical way.

#3 Tips for a Confident Speech: Practice

It is such a simple thing to do, yet people forget to do it or don’t see the value in it.

Once you have your speech written, start to practice it with your notes. At first you will rely a lot on your notes, but with each rendition you will need them less and less.

By the time of the actual speech you will have done the speech so many times that you have no option but to be great at it.

#4 Tips for a Confident Speech: It’s OK to Have Nerves

It’s allowed, honest.

The goal is not to remove your nerves, it’s to get you to the point that nervous energy is not going to interrupt your planned talk or speech.

You will be nervous and excited, but you will be confident in your subject matter, have a written set of notes as a reference point and have already delivered the speech many times.

The only thing that nerves can do to you is speed up your speech, so just remember to take a few deep breathes before you go on, and take full breathes as you give your speech instead of shallow ones.

Too busy to implement tips for a confident speech, then hire professional presenter instead

Some people simply don’t have the time to research the field, write a speech and rehearse it and implement the tips for a confident speech.

There is another option, as long as the speech doesn’t have to be delivered by you personally. For example, if you are the father of the bride you must be the person giving the speech.

For everyone else, why not consider hiring a professional presenter such as Brook?

Brook even has a great device that allows him to learn your script at super seed and deliver it with perfect confidence.

Drop us an email or phone call and we will be glad to tell you more about hiring Brook as a presenter.