Spotting a Liar – Part 1 Welcome to the first in a four part series that will guide you through some of the physical signs to look out for when someone may be telling you a lie. Each of the episodes will focus on a different technique and combining all of the techniques together will give you a better indication

Spotting a Liar – Part 12015-02-27T10:34:41+00:00

Bristol Magician

Bristol Magician - Brook Brook is unlike any other Bristol magician that you have seen. When you think about a Bristol magician you may be thinking of rabbits and hats, but you couldn’t be further from the mark when it comes to Brook. Try to wipe your mind the image of that Bristol

Bristol Magician2015-02-23T12:34:14+00:00

Are you a Genius? Right, first things first, watch the video at the top of this text as the rest of this article is based on that video and if you watch the video after it won’t make as much sense and read the rest of the article will be a waste. I will not proceed as if

Are you a Genius?2015-02-20T10:49:22+00:00

Birmingham Magician

Birmingham Magician - Brook Quite possibly the best Birmingham magician wouldn’t actually call himself a Birmingham magician. Birmingham magician Brook is actually what is known ‘in the trade’ as a Mentalist. No that doesn’t mean he is crazy! Mentalism is a cousin to magic and the chances are that any Birmingham magician that

Birmingham Magician2015-02-16T08:43:10+00:00

An Experiment With Time Welcome to a little experiment with time we are going to have a little fun but make sure you watch the video above before you read the rest of the article otherwise you will spoil the video for yourself. Right, so I’m assuming that you have watched the video by now, if not go

An Experiment With Time2015-02-13T09:15:06+00:00

London Mind Reader

London Mind Reader Is Brook the London mind reader you are looking for? We think he is and we want to share with you why we think that he will be a great London mind reader choice for you. So you typed ‘London mind reader’ into the search engine, or something similar as

London Mind Reader2015-02-09T11:08:06+00:00

Cool Psycho Test Don’t continue reading if you have not yet watched the video above as the text relates to the video and it may contain spoilers that will make the video less enjoyable. Did you read the phrase, “A Bird in the hand?” So many people will read that phrase as that. Missing out the second

Cool Psycho Test2015-02-06T11:40:54+00:00

Liverpool Mind Reader

Liverpool Mind Reader - Brook Brook is one of the most well-known of the Liverpool mind reader performers. Lots of companies choose to use Brook as their go-to Liverpool mind reader, in fact. As a Liverpool mind reader, Brook is often booked to perform at the ACC for companies who are exhibiting at

Liverpool Mind Reader2015-02-02T09:08:44+00:00