It’s finally here, the fourth and final video in this four part mini-series dedicated to helping you spot when a person might be lying to you.

In the previous episode we took a tour around the ideas of congratulatory gestures after someone has told you a little untruth.

While this can be a great indicator, it does require you to work out what has just been said and then try to determine what part of what has just been said was potentially a fabrication.

The technique in today’s video will help you to spot a lie just prior to it being told or at the moment of it being told.

Of course, we don’t need to tell you how helpful this type of early indicator can be when you are analysing people’s body language. It’s a great big flag that tells you to prepare your special lie-detecting sensors.

After you have watched all of the videos in this mini-series you will be able to combine them and get a really good understanding of human body language in relation to false information.

It’s a really great skill to have as long as you use it wisely and don’t connect dots that are not there to begin with. Remember these are only indicators.

Want to know more? Of course you do!

It’s really great fun understanding the human mind and learning techniques to help you in your day to day life.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could predict exactly what someone would be thinking about by understanding the choices that they have to make?

We want to let you in on a little secret that will tell you how to control someone’s thought patterns in order to make a successful prediction about what they think of.

This secret is taught in a small eBook that we want to offer to you for free.

Yes, for free, no catch!

Simply, click the download button below and learn a really great technique:Free_eBook_Banner_PNG