Hello and welcome to this, the final part in How to Develop a Confident Speech.

Now the biggest thing that you can do for your confidence when you are out delivering a speech is to see someone agree with you or to be completely wrapped in attention, watching you, hanging on every word. It lets you know that what you are saying is making an impact, is making sense. And you can look out to those people, find them in the audience and let them boost your confidence.

The interesting thing is, when you see those people and you talk to them, they nod more emphatically. Or if they are in wrapped attention, they will start nodding. Other people will see this.   And when they see this, they might see it just peripherally or they might be behind the person, they might start engaging as well. And as that happens, more people engaging with you, it builds your confidence and you become more animated. You will start to become more engaging yourself, which might set off more people nodding.

So look out for the people in the audience that are paying attention and pay them attention, too. Focus on those people.

One bit of warning, though. Do not focus on them to the exclusion of the entire audience. Look at them for a short while, look around the audience, deliver more of your speech and then go back to that person and spend some more time looking around and then go back to another person that is nodding. And if you do this, the entire audience will feel like you are engaging with them, but you will be getting that feedback, that positive feedback.

Now there is always someone in your audience who… who will either have wrapped attention, be hanging upon every word, or they will be overtly nodding in agreement with you. So find those people. If you… if you … you can do this if you are in an academic situation or a work situation, then simply ask for people’s agreement who would agree with… who would agree with me with this. Put your hand up. You will see those people and then you can play to those people and get more feedback. So make sure you are looking out for those people and you build your confidence on the fact that you know you are making that connection.

It has been a great time delivering this series for you guys and I hope you get out there and deliver some confident speeches. It doesn’t matter where they are, if they are personal, if they are at work or if they are at school, college or university. Whatever it is, I hope you get out there and develop those speeches and work on your… those speeches so that you can deliver them confidently.

Please do let me know about your success stories and I would love to hear about your successful speeches that go well. If you have had a terrible speech, I would like to know why you think it was terrible and I might be able to help you even further.

So do stay in touch, do let me know about your speech success stories and even horror stories or past horror stories that you have no overcome, because I really do want to hear them.

And until the next video, take care. Bye, bye now.