Christmas Party Entertainment - Paul Brook

Christmas Party Entertainment – Paul Brook

Christmas party entertainment can be a minefield, with so many people offering entertainment, but how can you sort the wheat from the chaff? You also need to make sure that the Christmas party entertainment you book is going to be both entertaining, and in this climate, affordable.

For a lot of big, and small, businesses the answer over the past couple of years has been to hire a psychological mind reader.

Psychological mind reading is a growing interest within the media world, with fictional and non-fictional shows displaying how interesting aspects of psychology and human behaviour.

Yet, inspire of this, very few people have ever been able to experience psychological entertainment first hand. This is mainly due to the fact that there are only a handful of actual full time professional mind readers active in the UK.

But you may have the question, “what will a psychological mind reader do at our Christmas party?”

A good question. The mind reader will tell people what words they are thinking of, using the movements of the eyes. Will be able to replicate a drawing that a person is imagining based on factors of their physical appearance. The mind reader may even use subtle words to make people forget, or misremember, the simplest of numbers or symbols. This is just a small selection of what a psychological mind reader will be able to do at during your Christmas party.

Mind reading can be performed as either a stage show, around tables, or while people at the Christmas party are standing, or waiting to enter the dining room. As a form of entertainment it really can fit in with your plan of the Christmas party.

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Christmas Party Entertainment – Quick Peek

With a lot of Christmas party entertainment you simply cannot see it in action before you book. Here at Paul Brook Mind Reader Ltd, we don’t like the idea of you booking Christmas party entertainment ‘blind’. Therefore, take a look at Paul Brook Mind Reader in action, right now: