Charity Event Entertainers - Paul Brook

Charity Event Entertainers – Paul Brook

Unlike most charity event entertainers who will just provide entertainment, Paul Brook can potentially bring much more to your event than that…he could bring people.

When charity event entertainers can also provide the potential bring in paying attendees to your event, then that’s more than just a bonus, it’s a necessity.

Paul Brook is a psychological entertainer (often referred to as a psychological mind reader) who is able to make it seem as though he can read minds, when really it is a clever use of psychology, showmanship and other things.

A lot of charity event entertainers that are hired to bring in ticket paying audiences simply don’t have a following, or are not unique enough to draw in a crowd.

We have found that some of the best charity events where there is a higher ticket price and a room full of people tends to come, not from acts that are giving away their talent for free (or a very low rate) but from entertainers who are established.

Obviously, established entertainers do charge a bit more than a guy who is entertaining in his spare time, but the price is much more of an investment, when you consider the potential of ticket sales at a higher-end charity event.

Paul Brook even lowers his standard fee for charity events if certain criteria are met. So make sure you get in touch to find out what you can do to get Paul to attend your charity event for an amazingly special price.

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Charity Event Entertainers – Watch Paul’s Video

When it comes down to charity event entertainers Paul can really make a difference to your charity event. Unlike other charity event entertainers, the term ‘mind reader’ is very attention grabbing. But it isn’t just a title, Paul can do some amazing things with his unique skills, take a look for yourself: