Student Ball Ideas - Paul Brook

Student Ball Ideas – Paul Brook

Unusual student ball ideas. Amazing student ball ideas. Affordable student ball ideas. Imagine if you could have all three of those statements in one, how great would that be?

Paul Brook is able to offer you unusual, amazing and affordable student ball entertainment that is going to make the event a night to remember.

The entertainment that Paul provides is known as psychological mind reading. In essence it involves Paul’s skills of psychology, body language observation and other things to give the appearance that he is able to read thoughts.

If you have never seen anything like this before on TV, or in real life, then take a few moments to scroll down to the bottom of this article and watch the very short video there.

There are three main style of entertainment that Paul provides that are perfect for student balls. The first is a walk around/meet and greet mind reading as students arrive at the event and slowly become settled. The second is moving from table-to-table before, between and after courses. The third option is t hire Paul to perform his excellent mind reading stage show.

All three options are perfect for student balls and Paul will be happy to discuss in further detail just how his performances can easily dove-tail into your event plans.

By far the best aspect about Paul is his pricing structure. Despite being an industry leader in this field his fee is very accommodating. Get in touch today for some more details and to get a price for your student ball.

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Student Ball Ideas – Mind Reading Video

With so many student ball ideas out there, we know that we need to make Paul stand out for you. He should already be set apart simply for the fact that you probably haven’t come across another mind reader in your search for student ball ideas. To further cement Paul into your mind, take a look at this video of him reading minds: