8 easy ways to reclaim your free time

It’s Friday evening and you’re looking forward to unwinding after a full week. But between e-mails, and chores and the thousand and one small problems that seem to crop up, your weekend flies away leaving you feeling like you haven’t really accomplished any of the things you really wanted to do. Our minds, which can

8 easy ways to reclaim your free time2015-09-23T21:57:19+00:00

Spotting a Liar – Part 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1YCC-owsHk Here is the third video in the four part mini-series that helps you to work out when someone is being a bit naughty and telling you lies. For those that enjoyed the simplicity of the technique shared in the second episode, you are going to love how simple this technique is also. While you

Spotting a Liar – Part 32015-03-13T13:09:16+00:00

Spotting a Liar – Part 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuVOu8YsQnU Welcome to the first in a four part series that will guide you through some of the physical signs to look out for when someone may be telling you a lie. Each of the episodes will focus on a different technique and combining all of the techniques together will give you a better indication

Spotting a Liar – Part 12015-02-27T10:34:41+00:00

An Experiment With Time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfu_4l70OdE Welcome to a little experiment with time we are going to have a little fun but make sure you watch the video above before you read the rest of the article otherwise you will spoil the video for yourself. Right, so I’m assuming that you have watched the video by now, if not go

An Experiment With Time2015-02-13T09:15:06+00:00

Cool Psycho Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV9_zj0lS-I Don’t continue reading if you have not yet watched the video above as the text relates to the video and it may contain spoilers that will make the video less enjoyable. Did you read the phrase, “A Bird in the hand?” So many people will read that phrase as that. Missing out the second

Cool Psycho Test2015-02-06T11:40:54+00:00

Psychological ESP Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC5TrVQZ7Io Before reading any further, make sure that you watch that you watch the video above as there are spoilers below. So come back here after watching the video. Right, how did you do on the Psychological ESP Test? Did you go for the star, or maybe even the wavy lines? People tend to go

Psychological ESP Test2015-01-30T08:52:42+00:00

Top 5 Trick Questions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LACiMBSMOiA There are questions we all know the answers to and there are questions that even when you think you know the answer, you actually have made a mistake and got it wrong. The questions in this video fall in the latter category. These are five questions that seem to trick out people a lot

Top 5 Trick Questions2015-01-23T09:25:58+00:00

4 Tips for a Confident Speech

4 Tips for a Confident Speech It doesn’t matter if you are planning a corporate, wedding or any other public speech, for most people one thing is certain…fear! Public speaking of any kind is often one of the most fears things for any of us to do. When we get asked to give

4 Tips for a Confident Speech2014-10-14T08:54:47+00:00