Can you read jumbled up words?

The brain is a powerful computer. To give a very quick example of how the brain can automatically process information cnodiser hwo yuo can raed tihs snenetce whit teh letrtes jmulbed up... Pretty cool right? It may be difficult at first but this can be applied to words pretty much more than 3 in length:

Can you read jumbled up words?2013-03-19T00:07:38+00:00

Close Up Entertainment

Close Up Entertainment - Paul Brook What are the best options when considering close up entertainment? Well there are the common forms of close up entertainment, magicians, caricaturists, cartoonists, etc. But a lot of people have already seen, and experienced, someone in one of these professions. The one thing you don't want people

Close Up Entertainment2013-03-17T13:11:06+00:00

Psychological Mind Reader

Psychological Mind Reader - Paul Brook What is a psychological mind reader? Would you know a psychological mind reader if one was standing right in front of you? If not, don't worry, this article will walk you through the basics of psychological mind reading. First of all, despite what might come to your

Psychological Mind Reader2013-03-15T13:00:51+00:00