Top 5 Trick Questions There are questions we all know the answers to and there are questions that even when you think you know the answer, you actually have made a mistake and got it wrong. The questions in this video fall in the latter category. These are five questions that seem to trick out people a lot

Top 5 Trick Questions2015-01-23T09:25:58+00:00

Birmingham Mind Reader

Birmingham Mind Reader Brook is the most well-known Birmingham mind reader. Not only is Brook the most eminent Birmingham mind reader, but he was actually born in Birmingham and still resides within the West Midlands area. But being local shouldn’t be the deciding factor when you consider Brook as your choice as your

Birmingham Mind Reader2015-01-20T15:24:13+00:00

Homage to Crowley Reboot It has been nearly ten years since the video you are about to watch was released. When it was released, it caused a great deal of controversy and commotion not only when the general public watched the video, but also when people within the ‘mentalism community’ saw it. After watching the video people soon

Homage to Crowley Reboot2015-01-16T15:07:24+00:00

Bristol Mind Reader

Bristol Mind Reader - Brook When you began your search for a Bristol mind reader, you probably had a number of criteria in mind. You probably want your Bristol mind reader to be experienced, entertaining and affordable. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Of course, you may think that in your search for the Bristol

Bristol Mind Reader2015-01-12T09:30:54+00:00

Super Quick Memory Test If you watch the video you will be asked to partake in a super quick memory test. Please, do not read the rest of this article until you have seen the video. So, how well did you do? A lot of people tend to struggle when they attempt this type of memory task due

Super Quick Memory Test2015-01-09T11:50:24+00:00

Psychological Entertainer

Psychological Entertainer Are you looking for an experienced psychological entertainer? Psychological entertainer, Brook, is one of the world’s leading figures in this exciting form of entertainment and has been for over a decade. If you are not familiar with the term ‘psychological entertainer’ it essentially refers to a form of entertainment that uses

Psychological Entertainer2014-12-15T08:52:50+00:00

Remove the Currency Sign and Sell More

Remove the Currency Sign and Sell More Did you know that if you remove the currency sign you will end up selling more items? If you don’t sell more, you will certainly be able to sell higher-priced items a lot easier by just removing that pesky little, dollar, pound, Euro, etc. sign. It

Remove the Currency Sign and Sell More2014-11-21T10:01:32+00:00

Psychological Entertainment

Psychological Entertainment Would you like one of the leading proponents of psychological entertainment. Brook has been providing psychological entertainment for more than a decade within the United Kingdom and internationally. Some people who have found their way to this page will not necessarily know what psychological entertainment is. Basically, psychological entertainment is a

Psychological Entertainment2014-10-30T09:44:29+00:00