Dyslexia Anagram
Dyslexia Anagram - Best Ever
Dyslexia Anagram - Best Ever
Mind Reader in Edinburgh Mind Reader in Edinburgh, Paul Brook, does something a very different when it comes to entertainment. He’s not a psychic, and he doesn’t use anything of the paranormal. What he does use are his skills in psychology, body language and a few other things, in order to make it
Abductor Fail - Best Comment
Cat Cuddles - Too Cute
So a question you might ask yourself is... does the brain regard every part of the body the same? That is, does the brain give an equal amount of cortex (brain matter) to each part of your body for movement and touch? The answer is a big no. There is a division of your brain
Dirty Talk 101 - Get In
Mind Reader in Durham Mind Reader in Durham, Paul Brook, does something a little unusual when it comes to entertainment. He’s not a psychic, and he doesn’t use anything of the paranormal. What he does use are his skills in psychology, body language and a few other things, in order to make it
Hands Painted to look like Animals - Beautiful
Change Your Perspective - What Do You See?
Happy Birthday Mr Dragon